There is so much energy inside Mother Earth. In this ten minute podcast we’ll practice breathing in the renewing forces available to us. Love grounds us, gratitude grounds us, and the breath can ground us, too. Just lie down and lets begin!
Just Lie Down and Feel the Space All Around You
When we get stressed out, we feel constricted and tight. In this eleven minute podcast we’ll practice sensing the spaciousness all around ourselves. It can be very relaxing to put our awareness on space. Curious? Try it! Just lie down!
Just Lie Down and Breathe into your Heart
In this eleven minute podcast, we will put our awareness into our hearts. Breathing in and out of the heart relieves tightness and pressure that so many of us carry in the chest and upper back. We’ll also practice two heart-focused breath mantras. Ready? Just lie down!
Just Lie Down and Sense the Hands of an Energy Healer
When we bring our attention inside the body, we can create a sense of wholeness and calm. In this ten minute podcast, once we are settled into Savasana, we'll use our imaginations to sense energy in areas of our body. Interesting, huh?! Try it! Just lie down....
Just Lie Down and Breathe into your Soft, Warm Belly
In this ten minute podcast, we'll place our hands and our attention on our gravity center, our emotional center: the belly. We'll practice softening the belly as we breathe while inquiring if there is a correlation between the belly and our emotional state. Get yourself set up in Shavasana or some other comfortable supine position and lets begin...
Just Lie Down and Feel What it Feels Like to Feel Grateful
In this ten minute podcast, once we settle into the ground, we’ll experience the felt-sense of gratitude in the body. Gratefulness is the path to freedom and studies show that grateful people on average give 20% more time and money to things they care about and are more bonded to the community. We need grateful people! Enjoy!
Just Lie Down and La La La your way to Ease and Spaciousness
For the next ten minutes in this podcast, we’ll practice a fun way of breathing that can provide a bit more spaciousness and ease to your day. Set yourself up in a supine position and let yourself relax.
Just Lie Down and Take a Tour of the Breath
You can pay attention to your thoughts, or if you want more peace, you can pay attention to your breath. Conscious breathing can calm us down. In this 10 minute podcast, we’ll take a Tour of the Breath. Take a mini-shavasana, get super comfy - just lie down!
Just Lie Down and try LovingKindness
In this podcast, we'll practice Metta or LovingKindness Meditation, a method of cultivating compassion and love. Research is showing that Loving Kindness Meditation can increase social connection, emotional intelligence, increase compassion and empathy and can curb self-criticism, while decreasing migraines, PTSD and chronic pain. Yowzer! First get into a restful supine position and then try it out for yourself!
Just Lie Down and Notice How Smiling Stimulates Relaxation
In this ten minute podcast, we’ll use smiling to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. It’s a simple, calming and relaxing practice. Try it!
Just Lie Down and Ground Yourself by Breathing
In this ten minute podcast, we’ll use our hands as organs of perception as we meditate on the breath. How does tension in the hands change our breathing and sense of self? Let’s find out!
Just Lie Down and Breathe into One Side of your Body
Step out of your thoughts and come into your breath. In this 12 minute podcast, drawing a center line down the body, we’ll explore what it feels like to breathe into one side of your body and then the other. You may notice that one side is much easier to breathe into. After that, we’ll switch back and forth.
Just Lie Down and Breathe Through Invisible Nostrils
In this podcast we’ll practice ujjayi pranayama. For added fun, we’ll practice Ujjayi breathing using invisible nostrils all over the body.
Just Lie Down and Squeeze & Release Tension from your Body
In today’s podcast, we’ll practice tensing and softening the body. Tension is the body’s response to the past. Sometimes repeatedly squeezing and softening our muscles can help release that tension, giving you space and peace in the body. Ready to try? Just lie down and we'll begin. If you like this, please write a review on iTunes! Thanks!